Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Kirti Azad on Saturday played down allegations of politicising the sexual assault case filed against former Tehelka editor Tarun Tejpal, and said it is not the BJP which is politicising the matter.
Downplaying allegations of social activist Medha Patkar that the BJP is politicising the sexual assault case, Azad said, “In these matters, there is no question of politics. The victim herself has said there is no politics involved in the case. Digvijay Singh himself said that Tejpal is being victimized in the case. Other than this, Kapil Sibal donated five lakhs rupees to the Tehelka foundation and shares were issued in his name. Will he investigate this matter? How come shares are issued in his name without his consent?”
“Firstly, why Tejpal is running away from the case. Secondly, it is not the BJP who is politicising the matter. The victim has also said it is about her dignity, and, I praise her for this brave act. More such cases are coming forward where women have been subject to harassment. These cases should come into notice, and people who are indulging in these acts, should be punished,” he said.
“There is a traditon in our country, which is still prevailing despite the fact that we are living in 21st century but people still feel about dignity, respect and name. And because of this, our women do not report these ghastly acts,” he responded on lack of sexual assault case being reported. (ANI)