Lucknow : Several Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders from Uttar Pradesh, on Sunday, took to their Twitter accounts to extend their greetings on the occasion of Guru Purab, without realising that they were seven months early with their wishes.
Guru Purab, which marks the birth anniversary of the founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak, falls on the 23rd of November this year. However, Deputy Chief Minister, Keshav Prasad Maurya and state government spokesperson Siddharth Nath Singh, among several others tweeted their greetings yesterday.
Siddhart Nath Singh later issued an apology for the snafu, which he stated was caused because of the wrong date mentioned in a Wikipedia page, tweeting, “Sorry for Guru Nanak Ji’s birthday tweet. Confusion happened due to Wikipedia (enclosed). Apologies to everyone.”
Sorry for Guru Nanak Ji’s birthday tweet. Confusion happened due to Wikipedia ( enclosed).
Apologies to everyone.— Sidharth Nath Singh (@SidharthNSingh) April 15, 2018
The tweets were deleted from the respective accounts soon after. (ANI)