The Education Minister of Haryana, Ram Bilas Sharma is traveling 809 kilometers daily. As per an RTI data on Ram Bilas Sharma’s use of cars, RTI has been revealed that in a span of 14 months, the minister has traveled 3.4 lakh kilometers consuming 2,430 liters per month.
This in total costs 1.90 lakh rupees per month. In a response, the minister said while talking to media persons that, “The RTI must also mention my constituency which is very far from Chandigarh, and I like to travel the most by cars.” It has also been found that the minister in Chandigarh for at least three to four days a week.
However, health minister Anil Vij said, “ The ministers don’t drive their cars, so how will they know the distance the car has traveled? It is the driver driving the car, so the driver will know how much the car has traveled.”
It must be remembered that the expenses for traveling of the ministers are taken out by taxpayers money. And moreover, If a Minister travels 809 Km per day then when does he work.