New Delhi: RSS has set off the alarm bells for BJP just before the Lok Sabha elections in 2019. Sangh by referring to the two issues, unemployment and farmers’ problems, has expressed fears that the two issues may cost dear to the BJP.
According to a report published in the Telegraph, RSS leader said he has warned time and again to BJP about the two issues. ‘Had the government paid attention to our words, it would not have faced such situation in Gujarat’ he said. Though BJP has formed that government but neither the party nor the Sangh is satisfied with the results.
Sangh said that youth facing unemployment is not happy with the government. If the government doesn’t pay attention towards the two issues it may face problem in 2019 Lok Sabha elections. A leader of RSS economic wing said wrong economic policies are becoming problems for farmers and youth.
Swadeshi Jagran Manch has given some suggestions to the government. According to the RSS leader if timely action is not taken situation may go out of control.