New Delhi: A day after the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) released its ‘Sankalp Patra’ for the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections, Congress leader Kapil Sibal on Tuesday slammed the BJP manifesto as nothing but a collection of “new jumlas”.
He tweeted that the ruling party has not kept promises it made during the 2014 Lok Sabha elections.
BJP Manifesto
Broken promises
1) sabka saath sabka vikas
2) 2 cr. jobs a year
2) 15 lakhs to each person
3) cost + 50% to farmers
4) price stabilisation fund
5) open government
6) 33% reservation for women…….,and many more
2019 manifesto
Fresh promises . New jumlas— Kapil Sibal (@KapilSibal) April 9, 2019
Meanwhile, Congress president Rahul Gandhi has also criticized the manifesto and called it the “voice of an isolated man”. He also said that it was “short-sighted and arrogant”.
Terrorism, national security, soldier welfare, Article 370 related to Jammu Kashmir, combating infiltration are some of the key issues highlighted in the BJP manifesto released on Monday.
Terming it a vision document for “New India”, the manifesto promised to create growth opportunities for the people of India as the BJP sought continuity for the sake of stability.
The party has also reiterated its demand for abrogation of Article 370 and annulling of Article 35A in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The manifesto also reiterated BJP’s stance on the construction of Ram Temple in Ayodhya.