BJP Legal Cell is organizing dharna on Tuesday noon at Indira Park demanding to recall the provisional option list and revoke suspension of Telangana Judicial Officers and employees and also for bifurcation of the High Court.
The Telangana BJP was extending support to the agitating judges and advocates, who are on strike in support of their demands. Dr K.Laxman, MLA, BJP State president, P. Muralidhar Rao, BJP national general secretary, G. Kishan Reddy, MLA, BJLP leader, N. Ramchander Rao, MLC, BJP Legislative Council Floor Leader, Chinthala Ramachandra Reddy, MLA, BJLP Dy. Floor Leader, N.V.S.S. Prabhakar, MLA, BJLP Dy. Floor Leader, Raja Singh, MLA, A. Narsimha Reddy, Chairman, Bar Council, Ravinder Viswanath, BJP Telangana State Legal Cell Convenor, Advocates and other leaders will participate in the dharna. (NSS)