New Delhi: During the debate on ABP Channel, Congress social media chief, Rohan Gupta asked BJP leader, Gaurav Bhatia to say the name of Union Labour Minister. However, instead of replying immediately, Bhatia took nearly a minute time to say the Minister’s name.
After Bhatia’s reply, Gupta alleged that the BJP leader checked Google to find the name.
Migrant crisis
It may be mentioned that both Congress and BJP are blaming each other over migrant crisis that India witnessed after sudden imposition of nationwide lockdown to contain the spread of coronavirus.
Due to lockdown, migrants were not only left jobless but also faced other problems. Ultimately, many of them decided to travel hundreds of kilometers on foot to reach their native places.
During their journey, they even took risky forest routes.
NGOs, good samaritans help migrants
It was NGOs and good samaritans who came forward to help migrants during their lengthy journey. They provided food and water to the labourers.