BJP has taken serious note of IAS officer and Jagityal District Collector Sharath offering to touch Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao’s feet during his Republic Day speech as an insult to IAS cadre and unbecoming of a Central Services Civil servant.
In a statement here on Friday, State BJP president Krishna Saagar Rao said Sarath, IAS, has by his statement lowered the dignity of the IAS cadre. The officer’s statement showcases the level to which an administrative officer can stoop, to be in the good books of those in power, he said. “It’s evident by the District Collector’s low level discourse, as to how the governance in the State of Telangana is ineffective and was being purely driven by the whims and fancies of those in power. Instead, the administrative officers could play their roles with sincerity and honesty to the people, than to express loyalty at every opportunity to their political bosses”, he stated.
“This unwarranted benevolence and cronyism will not only bring disrepute to the Indian Administrative Service, but also further weaken the already stifled independent powers of the burocracy, for delivering larger good to the poor and needy. BJP desires that IAS officers ofTelangana State perform their assigned roles with sincerity and integrity to serve the common people, through their honorable designation as Civil Servants”, Krishna Saagar Rao stated. (NSS)