BJP defends Amit Shah’s “revenge” remarks

BJP today defended Amit Shah’s controversial “revenge” remarks in Uttar Pradesh, saying it referred to Congress and not to any religion and that he has captured the “mood of the nation” asking the people to vote for Narendra Modi.

BJP President Rajnath Singh said it is not a question of seeking revenge from any religion as BJP has never played the card of communalism in any election and what Shah was referring to was to teach Congress a lesson for the “fraud” Congress has played with the nation over the years.

BJP spokesperson Nirmala Sitharaman used the opportunity to drag Congress president Sonia Gandhi into the controversy over her meeting with the Shahi Imam of Delhi’s Jama Masjid, alleging the attempt to polarise the elections had been initiated by the “so-called secular” party.

“It is not a question of taking revenge with any religion. He was clearly referring to what Congress has done. It should be taken like that.

“BJP has never tried to give the colour of communalism to any election or on any issue. For 55 years, Congress has ruled this nation and Congress has been playing the communalism card. Congress is attempting to play this card again in this election and so is SP and BSP doing,”Singh said.

He said BJP has never played the communal card and always adheres to the politics of justice and humanity.

“We don’t have to take any revenge. His (Shah’s) statement should be seen as one to take revenge with Congress for the fraud it has committed with the nation all these years,” he said.

“There has been lot of discussion on what Amit Shah has said in a public meeting in Muzaffarnagar. He actually captured the mood of nation,” Sitharaman said.

Seeing nothing wrong in Shah’s remarks, BJP vice president Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said “UP government has insulted the people there. It is not a question of Hindus and Muslims. Those who went there for secular tourism insulted the people. Instead of putting balm on the wounds of the victims, they sprinkled salt. Revenge should be taken for this insult.