Bharatiya Janata Party on Friday ridiculed Chief Minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao’s claims that TBGKS victory in Singareni union polls reflected his government’s popularity.
“CM KCR’s marathon press conference on this victory is a hyperbole. He is at it once again, playing the politics of obfuscation. Misstating and misleading the people of Telangana through the inferences he is drawing on Singareni employee union election outcomes,” Telangana BJP Spokesperson Krishna Saagar Rao
In a media statement, Rao said that trade union elections were totally a different ball game in comparison to assembly or general elections. General public perception of the government varies from how employees of different unions would vote on their vocational issues pertaining to their work place to elections held for picking their legislative or parliamentary leaders. He said these results were by no means indicative of confidence on CM KCR or TRS Government. If at all, it’s a measure of the employee’s faith on TRS affiliate TBGKS, the local trade union, he said.
“The Singareni results are neither a measure nor a bench mark for public perception on CM KCR & TRS governance. Trying to project this local trade union win as a pan Telangana public perception, actually highlights the insecurity and growing fear of CM KCR over public perception on his misgovernance. If CM KCR is actually confident of continued public support to him & his party, BJP challenges him for a bye poll in over 28 assembly seats across Telangana, of those MLA’s who have defected into his party from other parties, he challenged.
He said BJP finds CM KCR’s press conference as a monotonous monologue of a leader who is fast losing ground amongst the general public in Telangana State, for his misgovernance and non-delivery of his party’s manifesto promises. (INN