Agartala, (Tripura): Deputy Chief Minister and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate Jishnu Dev Barman emerged victorious after he bagged 26,580 votes in Tripura’s Charilam assembly constituency, where polling was cancelled a week before the February 18 elections due to death of a candidate.
Dev Barman received 89 per cent of 29,753 valid votes polled in the constituency on March 12.
CPI(M) candidate Palash Debbarma received only 1,030 votes, while the Congress candidate Arjun Debbarma bagged 775 votes.
On the other hand, Indigenous Nationalist Party of Twipra (INPT) candidate received 685 votes and 198 votes went to an independent candidate.
The election date was deferred after Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) candidate Ramendra Narayan Debbarma died on February 11 due to cardiac arrest.
During today’s counting, a malfunction in an Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) was reported; however, no incident of violence was reported.(ANI)