New Delhi : The Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) on Friday alleged that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Samajwadi Party (SP) are hand-in-glove and stated that Sardhana MLA Sangeet Som’s “Paidal Nirbhay Yatra” is a desperate attempt on part of the ruling dispensation at the Centre to spoil the communal harmony of Uttar Pradesh.
“The Samajwadi Party is part of the fixed match with Shri Amit Shah and the likes of Sangeet Som. And, therefore, I would like to say that they should not do anything which will spoil the communal harmony of Uttar Pradesh,” BSP leader Sudheendra Bhadauria told ANI.
Bhadauria said Sangeet Som’s decided to move ahead with his rally after getting a nod from BJP president Amit Shah.
“The BJP is now trying to incite the people of UP so that there is communal tension and blood bath,” he added.
Som earlier today announced to embark on a week-long “Paidal Nirbhay Yatra” across Uttar Pradesh.
“To the people who are migrating from Kirana, I just want to give them a message that they are safe in Uttar Pradesh. And we will not let Uttar Pradesh turn into Kashmir,” Som told ANI.
“I want to tell them that they should stay here and not migrate. The people, who have already migrated, should realize that the atmosphere in the state is becoming better,” he added.
Som further assured that he would not do anything against the law. (ANI)