BJP asks Centre to clarify stand on Anderson issue

Ambedkar Nagar, June 26: The BJP today asked the Centre to clarify its stand on extradition of former UCC CEO Warren Anderson to face charges in Bhopal Gas leak case and demanded a probe into “role” of those behind his safe exit. Former BJP president Rajnath Singh, while addressing a rally here, also demanded the Centre make public all documents relating to imposition of Emergency 35 years ago.

“The Centre should order a probe into role of then central government and the MP chief minister Arjun Singh in facilitating a safe exit to Anderson soon after the 1984 disaster,” he said. Rajnath asked why people like Bofors scandal accused Quattrocchi and Warren Anderson “easily manage to flee” during Congress rule.

“Sonia should reply why this happen in the Congress regime.” He was addressing the “Janta Jaago” rally here organised on the occasion of 35th anniversary of imposition of Emergency in the country.

“The Centre should make public the documents relating to imposition of Emergency so that youths of the generation can know about the conspiracy,” the former BJP President said. He also held faulty policies of UPA responsible for the price hike of essential commodities.