Hyderabad: A BJP activist by name Srinivas attempted to kill himself by pouring petrol over his body at the Party’s state headquarters. He took the extreme step in protest against the recent arrest of the Party’s state president Bandi Sanjay Kumar by police recently.
The onlookers came to his rescue and doused off the fire from his body. They later shifted him to Osmania General hospital for better treatment.
Srinivas told the Party workers that he would like to see the party president. On receiving the news of the incident, Bandi sSanjay rushed to the hospital and instilled confidence in Srinivas.
He also inquired about the health condition of the party worker. Later speaking to media persons, Sanjay said that he was saddened at the suicide attempt made by the party worker.
He said that Srinivas had been working as the party worker for a long time. He said that the victim had sustained 58 percent of the injuries on his entire body and added that he was not in a position to talk to his visitors.
Sanjay said that they were making arrangements to shift the victim to private hospitals for better treatment. Targeting CM KCR, he alleged that the CM was playing a monster’s game in the state and alleged that the state government was sending all those who are raising their voice against its anti-people’s policies to jails.
He called upon the party workers to fight against the anti- people policies of the state government in a brave Manner and urged them to not commit suicides.