New Delhi, Oct.21 : The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Wednesday criticised Rashtriya Janata Dal supremo Lalu Prasad Yadav, saying he was playing politics over the ‘unfortunate’ incident where the house of a Dalit family was burnt down by Rajputs. Two children died in the Ballabhgarh incident, while their parents were injured and later admitted to a hospital in Delhi.
“The Dalits were never safe in the regime of Lalu ji. On the other hand, the BJP has always been committed to ensure safety to the Dalits and the backwards. The incident that has happened in Faridabad is unfortunate. But, this has given an opportunity to Lalu ji to play politics as it is clearly visible from his tweets,” BJP spokesperson Shahnawaz Hussain told ANI.
Earlier, Lalu Yadav had urged the Dalits and members of other backward classes to unite to counter the attacks on them by the so-called upper castes.
“While trying to remove reservation, under the rule of the BJP and RSS the claimants of reservation, the Dalits are being burnt alive. Tell me, how many more communities would be burnt alive,” he tweeted.
“I had demanded Modi and Guru Gawolkar’s anti-Dalit books to be burnt. But instead the people from the Dalit and backward communities are being burnt alive. The Dalit and backward must unite,” he added. (ANI)