Amethi: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Friday took a potshot at the Congress party for “taking credit” for the Rail Neer plant – situated in Congress president Rahul Gandhi’s Parliamentary constituency, Amethi in Uttar Pradesh.
Referring to the Congress party’ Twitter post where it mentioned that the plant, set up in 2014, can produce 72000 units of bottled water per day, the BJP stated that this is “another lie by Congress”.
“The Rail Neer plant in Amethi, set up in 2014, has the capacity to produce 72000 units of bottled water per day for Indian Railways. #MadeInAmethi,” the Congress party wrote.
The tweet received a sharp reaction from the BJP, which claimed that all work for the plant was done by Modi government, but Congress is taking credit for it.
“Congress announced the plant in 2010-2011. In 2014, only Foundation stone was laid just before election on February 19. Plant was commissioned by IRCTC under Railway Ministry on 02-06-2015. All work done by Modi government, but look who’s taking credit?” BJP tweeted.
The BJP further said that it is the first Rail Neer Plant set up by the IRCTC on Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode.
“M/s Ion Exchange Purified Drinking Water Pvt. Ltd. is the Developer cum Operator. Fully automatic, state of art plant with eight stage filtration system,” it stated.
The plant is located 125 kms away from Lucknow Railway Station at the UPSIDC site in Tikaria in Amethi district.
It supplies Rail Neer water to major stations like Lucknow, Kanpur, Allahabad, Gorakhpur and Varanasi.