Taking exception to Union Finance Minister P Chidambaram”s remark ‘Economic lessons after history lesson’ on Narendra Modi, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Sunday said if he had read the whole speech, then this would not had happened. “Chidambaram being the Finance Minister of the country hurriedly issued a statement regarding what he thought, was the speech Narendra Modi talking about the link up between gold buying and inflation and so on. If only he had spent time listening to what Modi had said, than this wouldn’t have happen,” said BJP spokesperson Nirmala Sitharaman. “The BJP objects to it and thinks it is unbecoming of a Union Finance Minister to say that. What Modi had actually said was ‘Aarthik Sankat’ and never used the word ‘Inflation’. And today, Indian Express has given a clarification for wrongly reporting it. I think after this Chidambaram should also issue an apology. We demand it from him for having rushed into making a hasty statement on Modi,” she said. In a statement issued on Saturday, Chidambaram had said: “After his history lessons, Shri Narendra Modi has delivered his first lesson in economics.” According to an Indian Express report, Modi had said at a BJP rally in Jodhpur on Friday that, “The government is out to plunder your mangalsutra. The finance minister attributes inflation to buying gold. I am not as educated as him. I am here after selling tea and was born to a poor mother, but I know that inflation is not because of buying gold, but due to corruption.” (ANI)