Nobody saw it coming! A young Japanese motorbike rider with a huge following on social media is actually a 50-year-old man. It was revealed, with the help of editing apps like Photoshop and Face app, he has been altering his appearance to gain more followers.
The biker managed to garner a sizeable following on social media and managed to evade any suspicion until recently. In a photo ‘she’ took of her motorcycle last month, some eagle-eyed fans noticed there was a reflection of a middle-aged man in the rearview mirror.
The man named Zonggu, while speaking to the Japanese media said that he used photo editing apps such as FaceApp to make himself appear like a ‘younger beautiful woman’ because he believed no one wanted to see an old ‘uncle’.
The man said he turned to the face-changing app because he wanted to gain popularity on social media, as well as increase the engagement of his posts.
He explained that he posted a picture of himself as a woman on social media for fun, but quickly gained over 1,000 followers with it. He then decided to continue the deception because he enjoyed feeling like an online celebrity.
His impressive editing skills led to thousands of ‘likes’ and hundreds of ‘retweets’ on his posts.