New Delhi: Bollywood’s current hit couple Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover recently launched the slick and stylish new 9Apps, a leading third-party app store that is part of Alibaba Mobile Business Group.
The new look launched by 9Apps has been specially designed to capture the trends and pulse of the millennial, a generation that is not only tech-savvy but also style conscious.
Bipasha and Karan recently took to social media to share their new obsession, a game called ‘H5’ that enables users to check their style quotient. Both the stars took to twitter as they urged their fans to try the game, ‘What’s your #StylishSelfie score?’
Stylish 9Apps 3.0 fulfils its commitment to ‘Be cool outside, be powerful inside’. The change in design gives a youthful and energetic look to the app while fun and personalized elements make the app store smarter and more user-friendly.
9Apps also announced that it has clocked over 260 million Monthly Active Users (MAUs) who generate over 800 million app distributions every month (26 million app downloads every single day).
9Apps has a huge repository of localized and region-specific apps, making it the favorite third-party app store amongst Indian users. (ANI)