New Delhi: Taking a jibe at the trio of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley and BJP chief Amit Shah post the saffron party’s dismal show in Bihar, Congress leader Kapil Sibal on Sunday said it is a great victory for the Hindu mind which is liberal, expansive and inclusive.
“So, I think that the Hindu mind has now demonstrated today that we want an India that is united and we don’t want an India that is divided,” Sibal told ANI.
When asked whether Prime Minister Modi should take responsibility for the BJP’s disappointing show in Bihar, Sibal said the former should put his head down and think about how to take India forward rather than taking the RSS agenda forward.
“Whether he owns or not but he should be responsible to the office that he is holding. Because I think that the PM is spending too much time on giving speeches and by travelling abroad,” said Sibal.
“But if he travels and does 30 to 40 rallies’ in a state election than expects to do work as the PM then obviously there is going to be a mismatch,” he added.
Bihar has picked Nitish Kumar to be its chief minister for a third straight term, handing the grand alliance that he leads a big win in the assembly elections. (ANI)