Biggest floating island of India made on Neknampur lake

Hyderabad: An NGO named Dhruvansh has introduced biggest floating island of India at Neknampur lake.

The idea was to restore the quality of water in the lake so that it attracts more birds and fishes.

According to the news reported in Telangana Today, Madhulika Chowdary, Chairman of Dhruvansh Ngo said that “Technically the floating bed could be feasible for more than two years from now. This floating island will bring revolution in urban lake restoration.”

2500 square feet floating island with 3,500 wetland plants floating on this platform was introduced by the NGO.

Variety of plants are planted in the cuboids of the platform. Plants like Hibiscus, Fountain grass, flowering herbs, Tulasi, Ashvagandha, Canna, Cattails, and Vetiver are used. In addition to this mosquito repellant plants, water cleaning plants, and biodiversity increasing plants are also included.

The ground water levels in the city have been depleted to very low levels. B Srinivas, the Conservator of Forests and Director, Urban Forestry, Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA), said that “Over 3,120 lakes have identified in the HMDA limit, and survey of around 2,400 lakes survey has been completed till now.”