Mumbai: Actor Vishal Kotian, who recently got eliminated from Bigg Boss 15, revealed a few interesting inside facts about the controversial show. In his latest interview with News18, Vishal also spoke about the weak contestant and most deserving winner of the show. He also called his eviction ‘unfair’ and wishes to return on the show as a wild Card contestant.
Speaking to the newsportal, Vishal Kotian said it is neither Shamita nor Tejasswi who deserves to win the show. He said it is Umar Riaz who should lift the coveted trophy.
“Tejasswi is my first priority and Shamita is my second and she fought with me on this. But coming to her, I am not even her second choice, I am fourth! I come after Neha, Raqesh and Rajiv, so how could she fight over my choice? But if you ask me who deserves to win out of all the contestants, I will neither choose Shamita nor Teja,” Vishal said.
He added, “Umar Riaz should win this game because he is the only contestant who started from zero and became the hero. That is the most difficult thing to do.”
Meanwhile, Bigg Boss 15 makers added more spice to the show by introducing four interesting wild card contestants — Rakhi Sawant, her husband Ritesh, Devoleena Bhattacharjee and Rashami Desai. Along with Vishal Kotian, Simba Nagpal, Neha Bhasin and Jay Bhanushali were also evicted from the house last week.