Hyderabad: Rashid Khan, a hero who saved eight babies in the Bhopal’s Kamala Nehru Hospital fire breakout on Monday, was unable to save his own nephew.
The fire broke out on November 8, around 9 pm on the third floor of the hospital which houses Intensive Care Units (ICU). Four infants have reportedly died in the fire as a result of the same.
After getting a panicked call from sister Irfana about the fire, Khan had rushed to the Special Newborn Care Unit (SNCU) on the third floor of the hospital where he saw desperate doctors and nurses rushing to carry infants out of the ward, and instead of looking for his nephew, he joined them.
“If I can save the lives of these innocent babies, God will protect mine,” Khan who saved eight infants but could not save his eight-day-old nephew, Rahil, told the Indian Express.
He added that “the room was filled with smoke but the flames were low. We began cutting out the wires, pulling out equipment attached to the electrical units, and carrying the infants to another ward.”
Furthermore, Rashid said that in the rush he did not look for his own nephew as they were all innocent lives that needed to be saved. “After rescuing eight infants, I heaved a sigh of relief when we were told that all the infants have been rescued from the ward,” he stated.
It was about 30 minutes later that Khan reportedly began looking for his nephew. His search ended at 3 am after he was finally asked to check the mortuary.
As he arrived at the mortuary, he saw lying next to his nephew another infant, barely a day old with a tag attached to her body identifying her as the daughter of “Ankush Yadav.”