Pune: A Pune Court on Thursday sent all the four arrested, including activist Rona Wilson and lawyer Surendra Gadling, to police custody till June 14 in connection to the Bhima Koregaon violence case.
Earlier on Wednesday, three people were arrested by the Pune police in connection with the Bhima-Koregaon violence, from Mumbai, Nagpur, and Delhi, for spreading disputed pamphlets and delivering hate speech.
With the help of Delhi Police Special Cell, the Pune police nabbed a man named Rana Jacob, from Delhi.
A Delhi Court has sent Jacob to two-day transit remand. He will be produced before the local court in Pune on June 8.
Gadling too was arrested in connection with the same incident.
On January 2, the 200th anniversary of Bhima-Koregaon battle took a violent turn when a youth died in clashes on during an event to mark the day.
The violence left one dead and several injured, including 10 policemen. (ANI)