Hyderabad: CLP Leader Mallu Bhatti Vikramaraka on Tuesday made some sensational remarks against Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao. Describing KCR as a political terroris, the CLP leader said the onoging defections of Congress MLAs to the ruling TRS party were nothing but quid pro co. He also said they would approach all Constitutional institutions to get justice.
Addressing mediapersons here today, Bhatti asked the defected MLAs of the party to resign from their posts first and join the TRS later. He said they would lodge a complaint with the Lokpal about widespread corruption in irrigation projects of the State. He alleged that the Governor was not doing anything despite the fact that the Chief Minister was violating the Constitution.
He said they would hold praja parirakshaka yatras in all the constituencies of the defected MLAs. He said their yatras would begin from Pinapaka Assembly constituency. He said the voters would also approach courts on the issue of the defection of the MLAs.