New Delhi: The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) chief, Swati Maliwal, on Wednesday said that her predecessor, Barkha Shukla Singh, had closed the domestic violence case of former Delhi law minister Somnath Bharti and now she could do very little about it as the matter was now being handled by the courts.
” Barkha Shukla Singh has already closed this case in the DCW. That is why the DCW at present doesn’t have any role in it, because, it is already pending in court. The court has taken cognizance, the DCW can do little about it,” Maliwal told ANI.
She further added that “I have earlier told Somnath Bharti that he must learn to respect women, and yesterday, the Delhi High Court has made very serious observations against him.”
Maliwal said it is high time Somnath Bharti cooperated with the police and added that the court should stop playing ‘hide and seek’.
The AAP MLA is facing possible arrest in connection with a domestic violence and attempt to murder case filed by his wife Lipika Mitra.
The Delhi High Court had earlier dismissed Bharti’s anticipatory bail plea.
On June 10, the DCW had served a notice to Bharti after Mitra accused him of domestic violence. (ANI)