New Delhi : ‘ Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai’ actress Shilpa Shinde, who is presently involved in a row with the producers of the show, recently said that she is ready for the legal battle as getting humiliated just won’t do for her.
During an interview with ANI, Shilpa said, “You cannot always put all the rules on an artist. They (producers) don’t understand the personal problem of an artist, whether he is unwell or having some personal problem, they are not concerned. They just want to push out their episodes on time, whether the artist wishes to work or not.”
Claiming that she will not return to the show again, she said, “When the producers wish they can humiliate an artist and make him sit at home and if their serial is not working, they call him back saying that they have signed a contract.”
Shilpa also said that this is not the way to work as there isn’t any slavery that one can force an artist as per his wish, adding that she doesn’t agree with exclusivity contract because if the producer’s show is not getting affected, then it is not his concern where she works apart from that.
The actress also revealed that she never wished to work with producers, who treat people like this. She only agreed to do it because of people in the channel requested her to take it.
She added, “I gave my request in CINTA but that association is not for artist, it is for the producers. So if they wish to take it to the legal level I am ready for it. (ANI)