Delhi Police is on massive search for a gang of five well-dressed girls who allegedly, picked up an envelope containing Rs 21,000 from a restaurant in Khan Market.
Police have registered a case against them and also verifying whether the gang is operating in posh markets targeting rich customers.
According to the police, accused girls, who are between the ages 20-25, have allegedly stolen cash which belongs to a teacher of a leading private school who visited the popular Big Chill Cafe.
According to complainant Sona Sachdev, is a teacher she who went to the cafe last Wednesday afternoon along with her friends.
“After having lunch with my friends, I left, within 30 minutes, I realized the yellow envelope in which I had kept Rs 21,300 was missing from my bag. I instantly called the Big Chill Cafe manager,” Sona Sachdev told the cops.
The victim said that when she reached the cafe she found that her envelope is not there. The CCTV footage of the cafe shows that the girls leaving with the envelope. However, no CCTV footage is available from the parking area from where these girls have gone.
After watching the 27-minute CCTV footage, Police comments that it seems that the girls belong to well-off families.
Around 3:27 pm, the victim along with her two friends left the place. Just a few seconds after the victim left the café, a waiter cleaning the table picked up the yellow envelope lying on the floor. When he asked about the envelope, the accused girls allegedly claimed that it was theirs.
The waiter handed it over to them. The accused girls immediately left the place interacting and laughing.
“We have circulated the grab among all shopkeepers and given their photos to all police personnel deployed in Khan Market,” said a senior police officer.