Bengaluru: Shriank K, a 16 year old’s invention, KeepTab device, a wearable-device which, through a cloud-based deep learning framework, helps people recall the location of objects in case they forgot where they saw them last. Having seen his grandfather gradually losing his memory each time he visited, Shriank, a class 12 student of the National Public School in Indiranagar, developed the device because he felt “memory loss, although gradual but progressive can be very stressful.”
“The device can be worn over one’s clothing and images will be captured as the user moves around. They will be categorized as reference objects to find the actual object. All this information is stored on a cloud-database. If I’m looking for my keys, I will just have to say ‘locate my object’ to the voice interface provided by GoogleNow on my phone (which the device is linked to) and the search will return successful,” he claimed. Shriank is one of the two representatives from India and among 16 global finalists who will be competing at the sixth Google Science Fair slated to be held on September 27 in California.