Bengaluru: Mohammed Maqsood Imran, Imam of Central Jamia Masjid of Bengaluru addressed a letter to hundreds of Imams of the mosques in India requesting them to propagate the message of Islam which advocates humanity, tolerance and oppose violence.
He wrote these letters in the wake of the luring of IS to persuade Muslim youths for joining the movement. 150 Muslim clerics have posted a message on WhatsApp group to evolve a strategy to communicate the message of Islam to check radicalization of Muslim youths.
In addition to this strategy, Muslims scholars will contact College and University students to prevent them from falling prey to IS. He further mentioned that Islamic groups attempting to woo young people through the false interpretation Islamic teachings mentioned in the Quran and the Hadith. He hopes that this long term strategy would yield fruitful result and the message of peace would be propagated. He quoted Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) that had advised his followers not to harm women, children, unarmed armed and old aged persons during wartime. In the light of this saying of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), bomb blast and killing the innocent persons cannot be justified.