Hyderabad: After eight days of shutdown to check Corona spread, about 1500 shops and businesses in Begun Bazar will be reopened from Monday. The shops will remain open from 10 am to 5 pm according to information.
The Kirana merchants association president Lakshminarayan Rathi and general merchants association president Sruram Vyas said to reopen the shops from Monday.
At an emergency meeting we have discussed on the corona spread, people facing problems of essentials and decided to reopen they said. They said they there are about 1500 shops closed business to check the virus spread.
Though cases are increasing and we cannot close the shops forever. We will maintain lockdown norms of sanitising the premises and sell the goods they said. The people will be asked to follow lockdown conditions to purchase goods they said.
They urged people to wear masks, sanitise hands and maintain physical distance while coming to shops or going outside.