Mumbai: Bollywood diva Kareena Kapoor Khan couldn’t help her excitement and took to her social media to celebrate Saif Ali Khan’s big announcement on Thursday morning which is nothing but Saif will be joining Prabhas in Om Raut’s mythological drama Adipurush. She introduced her husband as ‘the most handsome devil in history’.
Taking to her Instagram, Kareena shared the Adipurush poster and wrote: “Presenting the most handsome devil in history… my man Saif Ali Khan.”
Kareena Kapoor Khan’s Instagram Post:
The villain character announcement was done by Prabhas and Om Raut on Thursday morning as they revealed the ‘world’s most intelligent demon’ Saif Ali Khan as Lankesh.
Adipurush new poster:
In an official statement, the makers of Adipurush said, “Saif Ali Khan had impressed the audience with his stellar performance in Tanhaji: the Unsung Warrior. He will be seen again playing India’s biggest villain of all time and for the same, the trio of Saif, Om, and Bhushan Kumar are coming together again, after Tanhaji. Saif will play the principal villain in the film. He will be the villain, deadly and ruthless.”
Speaking about working with Prabhas and Om Raut, Saif said, “I’m thrilled to be working with Omi dada again. I look forward to clashing swords with the mighty Prabhas and to play a role that is electrifying and demonic.”
The buzz going around film industry circles is that the upcoming mammoth project will be based on a chapter on the most popular Indian epic, Ramayana, and. The big-budget multi-lingual project will be bankrolled by makers Bhushan Kumar and Krishan Kumar under the banner of T-Series. The movie will be released in multi-languages including Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada. The female lead in the movie is yet to be announced.
Adipurush is reportedly slated to go on floors only next year and will release in 2022.