Hyderabad: Very soon, recently formed Backward Classes Commission will start its regular activities. Its Chairman, Mr. BS Ramalu held a meeting along with his members. This meeting was held with the Chairman and Members of Sudheer Commission of Inquiry yesterday to review the possibilities of reservations for Muslims. It is understood that BCs Commission would for formulate its strategy. It will issue a notification for public hearing.
It is understood that BCs Commission became active after the massive campaign launched by Siasat Urdu Daily for pressurizing the Govt. to provide 12% reservation to Muslim. This campaign was so effective that Govt. was forced to constitute BCs commission. Now that BCs Commission has been formed and it has taken a decision to conduct public hearing, it is a welcome gesture.
According to the reliable sources, BCs Commission will finalize the schedule of public hearing after the ending of Monsoon session of Telangana Assembly.
It is understood that BCs Commission would start its functioning based on the lines already laid down by Sudheer Commission of Enquiry. It is reported that the chairman of BCs Commission, Mr. Ramulu in favor of fulfilling the election promise made by TRS.
The sources indicated that the chairman and the members of BCs Commission , after reviewing the report of Sudheer Commission of Inquiry have elicited the opinion that the present 4% enjoyed by the Muslims is not sufficient. Sudheer Commission has recommended that Muslims should be given 9-12% reservations. BCs Commission would review the educational and economic backwardness of the Muslims on the same lines. BCs Commission expressed its satisfaction on Sudheer Commission’s report.
It may be noted that Sudheer Commission of Inquiry, within a short span of 18 months visited all the Telangana districts and collected data from the Govt. Departments and submitted a comprehensive report to the Govt. these recommendations would be helpful to the BCs Commission for finalizing this report. According to the authentic sources , BCs Commission would reviews the reservations given to Muslims under BC-E category also and also general reservations of 4%.
In order to accelerate the functioning of BCs Commission, two meetings have been held with Sudheer Commission of Inquiry so far. Ms. GD Aruna, IAS, Commissioner of BC welfare was also present in these meetings. It is reported that Dr. Amerullah Khan, Member of Sudheer Commission of Inquiry made a power point presentation based on the research report on the educational and economic backwardness of the Muslims. In both the meetings, the reports of the states which have providing reservations over and above 50 % were also reviewed. BCs Commission was told that the Muslims are educationally and economically backward and hence they could be uplifted by providing more reservations.
Both the commissions have agreed to maintain coordination in the future in the same manner.
it may be pointed out that the extended tenure of office would come to an end by 31st December this year. If Govt. of Telangana is in favour of resolving the issue of Muslim reservations, it should extend the tenure of office of Sudheer Commission in order to provide its expertise to BCs Commission. The report submitted by Sudheer Commission of Inquiry to the Govt. will soon be haded over to BCs Commission after its presentation in the Assembly. It is hoped that BCs Commission, under the stewardship of Mr. BS Ramulu, would submit its report to the Govt. as early as possible.
–Siasat News