Mumbai, October 06: The prestigious suburban constituency of Bandra West is witnessing war on two fronts. On one, the candidates are sweating it out in pouring rains. On the other, siblings Priya and Sanjay Dutt are crossing swords, with the electorate watching in rapt attention. Priya, claiming the political legacy of her late father, Sunil Dutt, is out to rope in secular votes for the Congress. Sanjay, extolling the virtues of his mother, Nargis, is wooing Muslim voters for the Samajwadi Party (SP).
Both brother and sister have charm and charisma of their own. Both can influence the voters to a large extent. The Congress and the Samajwadi candidates in the constituency are going through the campaign motions, addressing meetings and missing no chance to take potshots at each other, but both are banking on the Dutts to deliver the goods.
The Bandra West constituency has a large number of minority voters. Even a minor swing in the community could prove to be a major factor in deciding the outcome. Samajwadi Party candidate Rizwan Merchant was all praise for Sanjay for lending him all-out support. “Sanjay’s support has been tremendous throughout the campaign.
Everyone still remembers the humane nature of Nargis Dutt. Whenever Sanjay mentions her name, it makes a big impact on the audience,” Merchant told DNA on Monday.
Sitting MLA and former minister of state, Baba Siddique of the Congress, however, gave little importance to Sanjay’s campaign for the Samajwadis. Citing his two consecutive wins from Bandra West, he said there would be no stopping him from making it three in a row.
“Sanjay has political compulsions to back his party (Samajwadi) candidate. But even with his star appeal, it will be tough for him to help an outsider like Rizwan. Priya is leading my campaign, and we will win the seat again,” he said. “Bandra is the mostclean and green constituency in the suburbs. I will do everything to keep thatstatus intact.”
Priya, too, did not see much harm in Sanjay being in the opponents’ camp. “We do not discuss politics at home. Sanjay is free to fulfil his political aspirations. I do not think his support to Rizwan will hamper the chances of Congress,” she told.