Melbourne Telangana Forum (MTF), under leadership of president Rajesh Touti Reddy, secretary-general Anildeep Charlapally and vice-president Pavan Reddy and Nandini Biskunda celebrated Bathukamma festival. The event was endorsed by Telangana Samskruthika Saradhi and Australian Multicultural Community Services Inc and supported by Victorian Multicultural Commission, Maribyrnong City Council and other prominent local business.
RECWEST was decorated with colorful Telangana Bathukamma theme, entrance was turned into a Kakatiya Kala Thoranam and the hall was decorated with wall-posters with the photos of dominant temples in Telangana which enhanced the festive atmosphere. Everyone at the event was in full traditional attire. Over 2,300 people of Telugu origin attended the celebrations. MTF organized various cultural programs like Bathukamma play, kollatam, bollywood dance, kids’ activities, Best Bathukamma competition and many more.
Chief guests at the event were Gongidi Sunitha Mahender Reddy, MLA and Whip from Telangana State government, Mahender Reddy of TRS Nalgonda, Marsha Rose Thomson, MP, Cr Nam Quach Mayor Maribyrnong City Council Elizabeth Drozd VMC commissioner, many other Telugu community leaders in Melbourne. Gongidi Sunitha Mahender Reddy has spoken about the traditional and cultural aspects of the Bathukamma festival and stressed the fact that NRIs have a vital role in shaping the Bangaru Telangana. (NSS)