New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi had asked the members of the Barelvi sect to strengthen the Sufi version of Islam to counter extremism.
The anti-Wahabis have raised a shrill against the Wahabi ideology on Monday at an anti-terrorism Sunni conference organised by All India Tanzeem Ulama-E-Islam(AITUI) in Delhi.
They demanded the government to clear the Waqf Boards across the country off the control of Wahabi elements.
They said. “All India Tanzeem Ulama -e- Islam (AITUI) clearly states that this radicalisation is being spread within Muslim community like a virus by Wahabi elements funded by Petro dollars of Saudi Arabia & Qatar . AITU wants to
highlight the fact that ISIS is active in Indian under different names and banners. These ISIS fronts are organising conferences, and programmes to show their presence in India to their Saudi and Qatar-based funders and to assure them that they are present in India and working for the vested interests of Wahabis Monarchies of Saudi Arabia & Qatar.”
The Barelvi clerics also demanded the government to ban organisations promoting Wahabi and Salafi objectives.
“We want to say that these radical organisations are working for Wahabi and Salafi objective of radicalising youth in the name of social revolution. AITUI demand that the activities of these extremist organisations be banned as they are working against national security,” the conference demanded, asserting that “Wahabism is part of dirty politics and has nothing to do with Islam”.
The gathering has also pitched its battle against the dominance of Wahabi or Deobandi followers in the affairs of Waqf Boards and minority educational institutions and prevalence of their teaching through various forms in the country.