Hyderabad: Even after the lapse of one month, currency crisis does not seem to end. People are facing a lot of difficulties to get cash from ATMs. Banks will observe holidays on Saturday (being second Saturday), Sunday (Public holiday) and Monday (Milad-un-Nabi). This will put public to inconvenience.
It may be noted that right from 1st December, Govt. employees and pensioners have not been able to get their salaries and pensions. It was reported that only Rs.14 thousand crore worth currency was released for Telangana State, out of which 94% of the currency consists of Rs. 2000 notes. Despite standing in queues, people are not getting money. The patience of the people is getting exhausted. At various places in city and also in the districts, people indulged into heated arguments with the bank employees. In certain cases, people also staged dharna and organized “Rasta Roko program”.
From tomorrow, banks will observe holidays for three days consecutively which may cause further inconvenience to the customers. People are worried that how are they going to continue their transactions during these three days.
In addition to Hyderabad City, 90% ATMs have become defunct in rural areas. After standing in a queue for hours together, people are getting Rs. 2000 note.
–Siasat News