Balrampur: A 70-year-old man belonging to the minority community was brutally beaten to death by the hooligans. The goons threw the body outside the village and fled. He was mob lynched after spreading the rumour that the elderly man misbehaved with the minor girls. Police have sent the body to post-mortem. Police superintendent Rakesh Kumar has refused to accept the killing incident of 70-year-old as mob lynching.
According to sources, the 70-year-old man belonging to minority community lived in Lalpur. His house is surrounded by people of Burma community. Some miscreants spread the rumour that the man confined 3 girls belonging to the minority community in his house and attempted rape. The rumour sparked tension and taking advantage of it, dozens of people belong to Burma community barged into man’s house and assaulted him leaving him seriously injured.
According to sources, the elderly man died soon after. Later the attackers and workers of Dial 100, threw the body outside the village and fled.