Hyderabad: The Chairman of the Telangana Waqf Board Mohammed Saleem along with the Revenue and Wakf Board officials undertook a visit to the ancient and defunct mosque at Balapur and decided to restore it.
This mosque at Balapur is 200 years old and registered in the Waqf Board record as mosque and graveyard under gazette number 6-A serial No 2674.
The local Muslim youths informed the Waqf Board Chairman that the people belonging to the majority community are using the kabrastan and mosque compound as animals’ pastureland.
They also informed that whenever they try to clean up the mosque and offer prayer there the locals object.
The local people, however, made it clear that they do not have any objection if the mosque is restored and the Waqf Board can undertake its repairing and Restoration work.
Mohammad Salim said that the funds for the Restoration of Balapur Mosque and the fencing around the kabrastan will be released soon.