New Delhi: Bajaj Auto on Friday reported a 5 per cent decline in its total sales at 3,25,347 units in August as against 3,41,965 in the same month a year ago.
Motorcycle sales during the month fell by 4 per cent to 2,79,911 units as against 2,90,436 units in August last year, the company said in a BSE filing.
Bajaj Auto’s commercial vehicles sales during the month stood at 45,436 units compared with 51,529 units in the year-ago period, a decline of 12 per cent.
Its exports in August came at 1,25,033 units as against 1,81,658 units a year ago, a fall of 31 per cent, the company said.
Shares of Bajaj Auto were trading 1.52 per cent down at Rs 2,951.05 on BSE.