New Delhi A court here on Thursday rejected the bail plea of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s nephew Vinay Bansal arrested in connection with an alleged scam worth Rs 6 crore in the Public Works Department (PWD).
Special Judge Sanjay Khanagwal remanded Bansal to 14 days in judicial custody.
Last week, the Anti-Corruption Branch arrested Bansal from his residence in west Delhi’s Pitampura after he failed to give satisfactory replies about a firm.
The son of Kejriwal’s late brother-in-law Surender Bansal, he was a partner in a firm alleged to be involved in the scam.
The ACB registered an FIR on May 8, 2017 after a complaint that Surender Bansal got a tender below 46 per cent on behalf of company Renu Construction, on the estimated cost of Rs 4.9 lakh.
It was also mentioned in the complaint that the quality of iron and cement supplied were not up to the mark.
During the probe, it was found that iron and cement were brought from Mahadeo Impacts, which was later found to be non-existent. Vinay Bansal was a partner with his father in Mahadeo Impacts.