Bahujan left front organized a massive public meeting at Mahboob Nagar, MBT President and Convenor of Bahujan left front Mr. Majeed Ullah khan farhat vows to fight with Communal forces and hate politics (Pics; Faheem)
Caption: Bahujan left front organized a massive public meeting at Mahboob Nagar, MBT President and Convenor of Bahujan left front Mr. Majeed Ullah khan farhat vows to fight with Communal forces and hate politics (Pics; Faheem)
Caption: Bahujan left front organized a massive public meeting at Mahboob Nagar, MBT President and Convenor of Bahujan left front Mr. Majeed Ullah khan farhat vows to fight with Communal forces and hate politics (Pics; Faheem)
Caption: Bahujan left front organized a massive public meeting at Mahboob Nagar, MBT President and Convenor of Bahujan left front Mr. Majeed Ullah khan farhat vows to fight with Communal forces and hate politics (Pics; Faheem)
Caption: Bahujan left front organized a massive public meeting at Mahboob Nagar, MBT President and Convenor of Bahujan left front Mr. Majeed Ullah khan farhat vows to fight with Communal forces and hate politics (Pics; Faheem)
Caption: Bahujan left front organized a massive public meeting at Mahboob Nagar, MBT President and Convenor of Bahujan left front Mr. Majeed Ullah khan farhat vows to fight with Communal forces and hate politics (Pics; Faheem)
Caption: Bahujan left front organized a massive public meeting at Mahboob Nagar, MBT President and Convenor of Bahujan left front Mr. Majeed Ullah khan farhat vows to fight with Communal forces and hate politics (Pics; Faheem)
Caption: Bahujan left front organized a massive public meeting at Mahboob Nagar, MBT President and Convenor of Bahujan left front Mr. Majeed Ullah khan farhat vows to fight with Communal forces and hate politics (Pics; Faheem)
Caption: Bahujan left front organized a massive public meeting at Mahboob Nagar, MBT President and Convenor of Bahujan left front Mr. Majeed Ullah khan farhat vows to fight with Communal forces and hate politics (Pics; Faheem)
Caption: Bahujan left front organized a massive public meeting at Mahboob Nagar, MBT President and Convenor of Bahujan left front Mr. Majeed Ullah khan farhat vows to fight with Communal forces and hate politics (Pics; Faheem)
Caption: Bahujan left front organized a massive public meeting at Mahboob Nagar, MBT President and Convenor of Bahujan left front Mr. Majeed Ullah khan farhat vows to fight with Communal forces and hate politics (Pics; Faheem)
Caption: Bahujan left front organized a massive public meeting at Mahboob Nagar, MBT President and Convenor of Bahujan left front Mr. Majeed Ullah khan farhat vows to fight with Communal forces and hate politics (Pics; Faheem)
Caption: Bahujan left front organized a massive public meeting at Mahboob Nagar, MBT President and Convenor of Bahujan left front Mr. Majeed Ullah khan farhat vows to fight with Communal forces and hate politics (Pics; Faheem)
Caption: Bahujan left front organized a massive public meeting at Mahboob Nagar, MBT President and Convenor of Bahujan left front Mr. Majeed Ullah khan farhat vows to fight with Communal forces and hate politics (Pics; Faheem)