Bahrain girl’s team in hijab standoff lauded

Manama, July 04: Lawmakers here heaped praise on the members of Bahrain’s women’s basketball team for refusing to remove their hijab in an international competition.

“The attitude of our national team was honourable and truly indicated the players’ deep commitment to Islamic values. They conveyed a strong and genuine message to the whole world that Muslims value their traditions and principles and are not ready to give them up for the sake of a game,” said MP Ebrahim Busanadal.

“It is obvious that the struggle for wearing the hijab is long and arduous and is taking place in several countries, even in those that falsely claim that they promote democracy and the right of people to think and dress as they like. I salute all the members of the Bahraini delegation who fought for the right to allow the girls to keep their hijab,” he added.

MP Mohammad Khalid, meanwhile, said their attitude deserved to be applauded by all people.

“You held our heads high by refusing to remove the veil for the sake of the game. You were right in wearing it and you were right in keeping it. We do understand your frustration when you were told that you would be losing the game against the Indian team if you did not remove the veil. But we sincerely applaud your decision to respect the precepts of your religion and to follow its teachings,” the MP said.

Bahrain’s first match in the Asian Youth Games in Singapore was mired with controversy after an official told the girls to take off their veils as this violates the Fiba dress code. The girls’ refusal to take off their hijab resulted in the team conceding a walkover to India and the shocked Bahrainis burst into tears. The decision was later reversed after Bahraini officials protested.
