New Delhi: Supreme Court began its final hearing on Babri masjid dispute on Sunday when an NGO “Citizens for justice and peace” challenged the Allahabad High court’s decision citing it as a political one.
The members who challenged the decision include Teesta Setalvad, Shyam Benegal, Aparna Sen, Aruba Roy, Kumar Ketkar and Anand Patwardhan. The activists are public spirited citizens from all walks of life.
One of their primary demands was that the ‘disputed site be used for a non-religious public use, irrespective of the adjudication of the suit.’
The Activists also said that the Government has failed to uphold the rule of law and that this case too should “be treated like any other land dispute matter.’ They also stated that “a decision in favour of either party will lead to communal disharmony and tensions.”
The activists are alleging that the Allahabad High Court’s decision was a “political one without any grounds based on facts or law”, in a sense challenging the foundation of the Court’s orders.
The Applicants refute the finding of the Hon’ble High Court that there exists a belief among majority of the Hindu community that the disputed property is the birthplace of Lord Rama, as there is no basis on which such a finding could be sustained.
Three-judge bench of the Supreme Court has begun the final hearing of the case, however over the last few weeks, there has been a movement towards resolving the issue outside the court.
Few Hindu organisations as well as Shia waqf board have jointly submitted a resolution which proposed that a Ram Mandir being built in Ayodhya and a Masjid in Lucknow. This proposal came after Sri Sri Ravi Shankar began his mediation in the dispute.