Aziz Pasha appeals the Govt. to release innocent Muslims and to rehabilitate them

Mr. Syed Aziz Pasha, former M.P. of Rajya Sabha expressed his grave concern about the involvement of the Govt. in parliament attack case. Mr. RVS Mani, former Under Secretary of Ministry of Home Affairs exposed the facts with reference to Sree Satish varma, the investigating officer of CBI and SIT that Govt. was involved in parliament attack case.

As the Govt. of Gujrath is involved in officially sponsored terrorist activities, in the same manner Govt. of India has also come under suspicion due to this the Muslims are suffering. Mr. Aziz Pasha told the recent investigation of CBI exposed that higher police officials are involved in criminal activities. On the lines of the western culture, Muslims were targeted.

Mr. Aziz Pasha demanded that all these allegations have to be taken seriously and investigation should be done. He further told that the results of long protest to get justice for the innocent Muslim victims are yielding results. There is a need to put an end to all these fake dramas and false stories. All the illegal arrests should be stopped and rehabilitation work should be accelerated otherwise those who have faith in Democracy will have to believe the treacheries of the Govt. and its conspiracies. The people of India will exercise their Democratic right by voting against the corrupt Govt. He expressed these thoughts in a meeting of the office bearers of INSAAF Organization. Present on this occasion Mr. Mir Ahmed Ali, President, Mr. Muneer Pateel, General Secretary Mr. Syed Hameed Uddin and Mr. Syed Ali Uddin Ahmed.

–Siasat News