Azhar no one to decide which body should get recognition: DCBA

DCBA vice-president Deepak Tanwar today asked Mohammad Azharuddin — the newly-appointed DBA president — to stay away from the sport and said the former India cricket captain is no one to decide which association should get recognition from BAI.

“Delhi Capital Badminton Association (DCBA) has got all the recognition which is required for an association, whereas Delhi Badminton Association (DBA) does not have this kind of recognition,” said Tanwar.

“Mohd Azharuddin is no one to decide which association should get the recognition and which not. Mr Azharuddin does not not know anything about other associations, whereas DCBS got the recognition from Indian Badminton Association as well as Olympic association.

“It is beyond my understanding why he is desperate to be a part of Badminton game, even after knowing the result of last federation election. Now the matter is sub-judice. I do not know why is in so hurry. It will be good for him to concentrate on the game, which gave him so much of fame and money,” Tanwar said.

Badminton Association of India (BAI) had declared DBA as ‘defunct’ without disaffiliating it and gave its affiliation to DCBA during its Executive committee meeting on April 27.

The DBA has been in a judicial battle with BAI ever since and a verdict is expected on September 3rd. The sports ministry, meanwhile, has also asked for a detailed report from the BAI on its decision to grant recognition to DCBA without issuing notice or cancelling recognition of DBA.

Azharuddin, who took over from former president Vinod Dhawan early this month, yesterday said that BAI has declared DBA a defunct body based on “lame excuses” and said the city’s shuttlers would be affected because of federation politics.

Tanwar said that DCBA has the support of most of the zones in Delhi.

“There are 12 zones in Delhi in which eight zones are backing DCBA. This has been proved by the ranking tournament organised at Siri Fort complex. All eight zones participated in the tournament. DCBA encourages grass route players. Mr. Azharuddin should to stay way from giving support to fraud people,” he said.