Azad gets cracking, targets corrupt ministry officials

New Delhi, June 18: Ghulam Nabi Azad has launched a crackdown on corruption. The health minister has issued a warning to his staff, Medical Council of India (MCI) and medical institutes that anybody found giving or taking bribe to clear files would be punished. He said involvement of private parties (touts) could result in cancellation of licences of colleges.

Within a week of taking charge of the ministry, Azad has cleared over 150 proposals to open medical, dental, yunani and ayurveda colleges. Every medical college has to obtain annual clearance from MCI and the health ministry. Sources said the files were pending for months.

“Delay breeds corruption. We have to ensure files are cleared promptly,” Azad said.
He made it clear the ministry would process proposals for opening colleges and extending licences in a time-bound manner. Middlemen and agents would not be entertained, encouraged or allowed to meet ministry officials.

The move follows complaints of malpractice and corruption in the ministry in connivance with middlemen and agents. The minister observed that undue delay in processing permissions for setting up medical colleges, increasing seats, etc was jeopardising the future of students.

Azad has also put in place grievance boxes — one in the health ministry and another at his home — where people can register their complaints. Officials claimed he wanted to personally look into the complaints for effective functioning of his ministry.
