Authors of anti-CAA protest book had no authorisation to use Danish Siddiqui’s name, says family

A soon to release photo book outlining the anti-Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) movement has been met with some criticism from deceased photojournalist Danish Siddiqui’s family.

On Tuesday, the family alleged in a press note that the authors of the book, “Hum Dekhenge” (presumably inspired by poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz’s poem) did not seek any permission from them to include Siddiqui’s work with their project.

The concern raised by the family is that the late photo journalist’s — said to have been shot by the Taliban– credibility would be questioned if the authors time and again stated that Siddiqui was involved in offering suggestions for their book. As the press note read penned by Siddique’s father read, “He covered the Shaheen Bagh protests with objectivity and neutrality like any other professional assignment.”

The public note penned by Siddique’s father, Akhtar read, “The book’s authors have dedicated this book to Late Danish Siddiqui, the Reuters photojournalist who died during an assignment in Afghanistan in 2021. Further, during media interviews, the book’s authors have also claimed that Danish was involved with the book and would give suggestions on making it better. On behalf of Danish’s family, we would like to categorically state that no authorisation was given to anyone to associate Danish’s name with this project.”

The family, keen on protecting the late Reuters’ journalist’s reputation as an unbiased journalist has requested the authors to disassociate Danish Siddiqui from the book. So far, the authors are yet to respond.

As per the publishers and authors of “Hum Dekhenge”, the book is a visual compilation of the unwavering resilience, courage and preservance of the Muslim community who not only stood strongly but fought bravely when its citizenship was being challenged by the state. The photobook not only visualises the tale of betrayal of the state with its citizens but also carves a definition of resistance and love for one’s country.