Australia, Malaysia draft deal over handling of MH370 wreckage, black box

Malaysia and Australia are reportedly set to draft a deal over the handling of wreckage and the black box from missing Malaysia Airline flight MH370, post its recovery.

According to Sydney Morning Herald, the agreement is being drafted by Malaysia to safeguard both nations from any legal pitfalls that may surface during the recovery phase phase.

The Malaysian government is hopeful that the deal will be finalised soon and endorsed in a cabinet meeting next week.

Civil aviation chief Azharuddin Abdul Rahman said that the MoU spells out exactly who does what and the areas of responsibility.

Azharuddin added that Malaysia would lead most of the investigation, with Australia and others helping.

While the Australian government is studying the memorandum of understanding (MoU), the details of the MoU will be kept confidential, the report added. (ANI)