New Delhi: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Tuesday held the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) responsible for the alleged attacks on the people of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh in the state of Gujarat.
Expressing concern, Banerjee said: “Whatever is happening in Gujarat, of course, there is provocation and that is why such things are happening. People are scared, and that is why they are leaving Gujarat even after staying there for several years. This is a very dangerous trend, it is a disastrous situation. Why is the BJP not controlling the situation? BJP-ruled states are dangerous, I am concerned.”
Non-Gujaratis, especially those hailing from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar were allegedly attacked recently after a native of Bihar was arrested for allegedly raping a 14-month-old girl in Sabarkantha district recently.
Speaking on the issue, Deputy Superintendent of Police of Vadodara, Haresh Mewada said, “Labourers from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar working in Param Industries and in another company were attacked after a message went viral, which said ‘because of migrant workers, state people do not get work. So, make them move out of the state’.”
He further said that 13 people have been arrested in the case. “On the basis of an FIR filed by the injured, a case has been registered. Four juvenile accused have been detained while 13 others have been arrested.”
[source_without_link] ANI[/source_without_link]